Discover Product Hunter, the tool’analyse of products Amazon the most complete on the market to compare, filter and find in the blink of an eye the rare pearl among thousands of references. Try it for free now on the store pages !
If like me you regularly shop on Amazon, you know how difficult it can be to find that rare gem among the multitude of options available. Fortunately, a revolutionary new solution will simplify your research and save you valuable time : presentation of Product Hunter, the tool’analyse of products Amazon !
With Product Hunter, no more hours spent laboriously comparing the characteristics of each item. Our intelligent software connects directly to the catalog Amazon and extracts in one click all the essential information on the products of your choice. Description, avis clients, technical specifications, manufacturers' warranties… you now have all the elements in hand to make your choice in an informed manner.
Top features
But that's not all ! Product Hunter also includes unique features that will revolutionize your shopping experience on Amazon :
Advanced filters and sorting : sort your results by price, release date, best rated and more to see the best options at a glance.
Recommendation score : our AI will evaluate each item and advise you on the best value for money.
Sharing on social networks : share your best discoveries with your friends in one click.
Brief, with Product Hunter, no more excuses for making the wrong purchase or paying more than necessary !
Try it now
And the best of all ? Product Hunter is completely free, without commitment or credit card to return. Simply go to our website and copy the product title from’Amazon. Discover the full extent of its features now by carrying out your first searches products.
More good news, our team works tirelessly to enrich the tool with ever more useful features. With your precious help, nous pourrons identifier de news façons de simplifier vos achats sur Amazon. So don’t hesitate to give us your opinion and suggestions.’improvement !
Wishing you pleasant discoveries with Product Hunter. And who knows, perhaps these few minutes saved each day will allow you to find THE much sought-after gift or product for you or a loved one… Up to you !